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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Sad, sad story

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Master Jc
Posted: 10 Sep 2008
15:39 GMT
Total Posts: 54
Oh, hey guys. Look, I'm back for a minute or so after a wicked long absence.

I just wanted to inform you all that my calculator died today. It completely broke during a physics test (which I will probably fail as a result.) This makes me incredibly sad, considering that I've programmed on it for many great years of my life. I'm getting a new 84+ SE in the mail soon for my few remaining math and physics classes. Nevertheless, I wasn't aware that calculators could die so horribly. Considering that I've had it since 8th grade, and I'm now a junior in college, I should have seen it coming...

I was so excited to see this site still working after all this time. I felt all nostalgic there for a minute...

--Note to self: Warranties are NOT a challenge.
Posted: 10 Sep 2008
16:26 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Nooo! We all miss Happycalc, and shall mourn accordingly.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 10 Sep 2008
19:43 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
I'm well aware of the severity of that loss. My beloved TI-83+ died a few years ago, and I've never fully recovered.
Posted: 11 Sep 2008
10:48 GMT
Total Posts: 100
It completely broke how?
Master Jc
Posted: 13 Sep 2008
17:26 GMT
Total Posts: 54
It wasn't actually Happy Calc, it was my older, black one. HC is still fine. :D

Basically, I turned it on after putting in some new batteries, and it displayed odd symbols instead of numbers. I did the usual troubleshooting things, but when I got to the hard reset steps, it wouldn't turn back on...

On the other hand, I got my new TI-84+ SE today. Maybe I'll put Mario on it and remember my high school days...

--Note to self: Warranties are NOT a challenge.
Posted: 15 Sep 2008
08:42 GMT
Total Posts: 583
well then i guess this sad sad story isnt so sad anymore then :D

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.

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