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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Help with Archived games

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Posted: 12 Jun 2008
21:00 GMT
Total Posts: 1
How do you play archived games on the TI-84(silver edition)?

For me to play games on MirageOS i have to go to 2nd and (+) then press 2 and then 7. After this i have to unarchive my game to be able to run it on Mirage. But some games need a lot of Ram and i heard that you can play archived games using Mirage because it unarchived the game you want to play and when you done, it archive back for you. I really don't want to unarchievd games and then rearchive them when im done. For example i have 23k Ram and want to play Doom (22.5k ram to run) but if i want to play a game like Tetris(2k ram to play), i have to archive Doom and unarchive Tetris. (which is annoying when you want to have games ready to play on the spot)

PS: even though i have games archive, i can still see them in Mirage but can't play them because they are archived and i want to know how to play them acrhived instead of changing them back and forth.

Your help is appreciated
Posted: 12 Jun 2008
22:40 GMT
Total Posts: 714
you can't

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 13 Jun 2008
10:21 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Yes, you can. Try Flash Gordon. To use it, run your games from this little program instead:

::Lbl 0
:Menu("LIST OF GAMES!!!","GAME 1",1,"GAME 2",2,"GAME 3",3,"RETURN",Q
:Lbl 1
:Goto FG
:Lbl 2
:Goto FG
:Lbl 3
:Lbl FG
:Goto 0
:Lbl Q

Of course, you need to ungroup FGORDON.8xg from, and you can rename "GAME #" to your actual game names and "NAME#" to their respective program names, minus the "prgm" part.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 13 Jun 2008
14:34 GMT
Total Posts: 11
Strange. I have a TI 84+ silver and used mirage OS. It worked without me unarchiving a file.
Posted: 13 Jun 2008
20:32 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Miarge Transfers the file from the ROM to the RAM and then back again.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 14 Jun 2008
13:05 GMT
Total Posts: 375
In other words MirageOS unarchives the game while your playing it and rearchives it when your done. I think thats the same as what the FGordon thing does.
Posted: 14 Jun 2008
22:45 GMT
Total Posts: 714
According to what it says in the read me. The Gorden thing actually runs it from the ROM. IDK how, but apparently it works.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 15 Jun 2008
02:39 GMT
Total Posts: 100
It copies it to RAM, runs the copy, and then deletes the copy. So there's no writeback and nothing is saved if it tried to modify itself, like games with high scores typically do.

You either unarchive, run, re-archive or make a copy, run it, delete the copy. There is no true running from the archive. It just wouldn't make sense...all programs are written to run from RAM at 9D95h. They can't work any other way without doing some freaky relocation like ZShell does on the 85.

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