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General Discussion Board \ Game and Program Discussion \ How do you extract Mario levels from your calculator to the computer as a file?

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Sierra Wolf
Posted: 11 Dec 2007
19:41 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I recently got a TI-84+ Silver Edition, and figured out how to put games on it. I got Super Mario, and, using Medit, the Mario world creator, I created a world. But I don't really understand how to get that level onto my computer as a file.

I tried "Copy to PC...", then I press Select. Then it says "The name for the current variable is missing." I tried renaming the file, but it still doesn't work. So is there anything else that can do this? Or was that even how you do it? ^_^
Posted: 15 Jul 2008
08:07 GMT
Total Posts: 11
Wow, dude. Youve been at this pickle, for what, half a year?

Anyways, I once had the same problem. These stray "variables" are really the leftover spaces you have in the name of your level. Try looking at these by going to PRGM and selct the name of your level. Youll notice that theres a "randM(" code for each blank space for the 8 character title of the levelset.

To counter this, use GROUPING. To group, press 2nd, +, and 8. Create a new group, name it, and go press 3. Make sure you have ur levelset and at least one other random program (with a small amount of memory) unarchived. You can only group files if you add at least two programs.

Then, you can send the group to your PC and extract your Mario levelset from it. Now, you can upload it to the archives. Good luck!
Posted: 15 Jul 2008
09:30 GMT
Total Posts: 100
Just because he didn't reply doesn't mean he didn't solve the problem a long time ago.

This is caused by TI Connect's stupidity and inability to recognize even the slightest malformed variable name. We shouldn't have to do workarounds like this (I hate TI Connect if you can't tell), but at least there is one for this.
Posted: 21 Jul 2008
18:58 GMT
Total Posts: 11
I don't know, I didn't see any replies to this topic so I assumed he never got the answer and just gave up, you know?

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