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General Discussion Board \ Non-Calculator Related World \ Need help with the parents.

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Posted: 3 Sep 2007
16:46 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Here is the problem. I want to run CAT5 threw my house from the office, where my router is located, to my bedroom, where all of my computers are. The problem isn't running the cable or making it. Thats all cake. It is explaining what I want to do to my dad. He is clueless to anything that uses an electrical current, and anything that involves running threw the house is bounded to get a no.
Any one got any ideas so that he will give me the ok.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 3 Sep 2007
17:14 GMT
Total Posts: 1189
Explain it to him so he understands.

Someone call for an exterminator?
Posted: 3 Sep 2007
17:22 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Ha Ha, 3fg he just figured out how to get on the internet. This is going to be fun

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
Posted: 3 Sep 2007
21:33 GMT
Total Posts: 289
Tell him there is cheese at the end.

No how about telling him you want to have internet in your room and the only way is to run networking cable from the office to your room because there is no outlet in your room (I am assuming). Or you could get one of those things that sends the signal through a power outlet with two transformer looking devices. But those might be expencive.
Posted: 4 Sep 2007
19:17 GMT
Total Posts: 692
Or just don't tell him. Ignorance is bliss.

But on a serious note, make sure he understands that
a) You can make the cable very much invisible, if done properly, and;
b) Explain that wireless is not as secure, blah blah blah, slow connection speed, blah blah blah, will anger the sheep, blah blah blah.


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