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Win TI-84+SE from TI!allynfolksjr
It appears that TI is once again pushing the TI-84+SE for the back to school season. And what better way, they figure, to promote the leader of the 83 series than having an essay writing and a GraphTI design contest! They also have a simple sweepstakes to win $8,400 for college, in the aptly named "Texas Instruments $8400+ Achieve More Scholarship". The essay writing competition seems easy enough, in 250 words or less your goal is to convey to them how your graphing calculator (any calculator, even your old trusty TI-81) helped you in school, this contest carries a $1,000 dollar shopping spree as a prize. It seems those boring hours spent in English may actually pay off. For you artists out there, you could design one of those new "stickers," not sure why you'd want to, but if you make the neatest one using their flash designer (sorry, no photoshop entries allowed, it seems), you win an even grand, along with a classroom set of TI-84's. If you're itching to try out a USB device on a 84 but just can't see the reason to buy one when you have a nice TI-89 already, maybe one of these contests is your chance. Thanks to Spencerdubya for the tip.
21 Jul 2005, 22:06 GMT

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Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!spencerdubya
you're welcome. glad to help.
21 Jul 2005, 22:11 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!allynfolksjr
Can anyone tell I'm rather tired?
21 Jul 2005, 23:06 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!JcCorp
Not really. I want to attempt to make one of those design thingies, it looks fun and my school has 83s at best. Our science dept. still uses 81s!
22 Jul 2005, 05:16 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!Andy
No, by that he meant "anyone notice how many times i had to edit that because i'm so tired?" :P
22 Jul 2005, 06:53 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!DarkAuron
I applied for the $8400 scholarship and created a faceplate entry, I thik it's quite detailed compared to the rest; if you'd like to see it, check here: *walks away whistling innocently*
25 Jul 2005, 20:56 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!BullFrog hasn't put anything on their page about this yet... Reminds me about the good ol' days when the old and would have competitions to see who could put up news about something first. Hehe, that was great. I'm happy with my 89, but I just might look into this. I don't think you can have too many graphing calculators... Just let people borrow the ones you don't use, I guess.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
23 Jul 2005, 21:55 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!allynfolksjr
Yeah, I'd still use my 89, but as you said, another calculator couldn't hurt any. :-) But yes, we've stepped up news collecting, thanks for noticing.
23 Jul 2005, 23:28 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!BullFrog
It's a good thing, really. Not many other sites are putting up much in the way of news... At the very least, it makes the site look alive.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
24 Jul 2005, 23:13 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!DarkAuron
Now they've put stuff about it. Pretty much says the same thing as shows though.
25 Jul 2005, 23:19 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!JcCorp
Wouldn't it be neat to see a calc design in the competition?
28 Jul 2005, 08:15 GMT

Re: Win TI-84+SE from TI!Barrett
if you win and somewhere it says "" on it I'll personally pay you $15

-Barrett A
6 Aug 2005, 17:56 GMT

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