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Third-party BASIC Editor for 68K Calcs a RealityAndy
TI-Edit Screen Capture
TI-Edit is a BASIC editor for the 68K calculators (the 89, 89Ti, 92, 92+, and V200). After over a year of inactivity, version 0.31 has been released. TI-Edit features syntax highlighting and a Catalog list, as well as easy access to all special characters such as π and <. It also appears to have support for libraries, as there are menus with supplementary functions. Not knowing 68K basic very well, I can't tell what exactly they are, for sure. TI-Edit and its supporting files are released under the GPL, so someone go get started on an 8x port!

In other news, Dan Englender has released preliminary versions of his usb8x project. If you have an 84+/SE and an adapter cable, go download it and mess around with various USB devices!
13 Jul 2005, 20:03 GMT

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Re: Third-party BASIC Editor for 68K Calcs a Realityallynfolksjr
Now if someone would slide me a 84+ in my direction, I could text usb8x. However, this 68k BASIC editor looks extremely useful. And a 83 version would be really helpful, since the calculator screen is even smaller than the 89's. (Resolution wise). So yeah, good job to the author on this one!
13 Jul 2005, 21:07 GMT

Re: Third-party BASIC Editor for 68K Calcs a Realitygreenorange
Since I am _really_ lazy, does anyone know if the sources compile on linux? :P This looks awesome, though as Nikky said, an 8x port would be much better :-/ Though I can stick with TI-GraphLink for now, though that syntax highlighting looks sweet...
14 Jul 2005, 05:25 GMT

Re: Third-party BASIC Editor for 68K Calcs a RealityAndy
I can almost guarantee it doesn't since it uses an ActiveX control. Doesn't mean you can't try WINE though.
14 Jul 2005, 08:24 GMT

Re: Third-party BASIC Editor for 68K Calcs a Realityalex10819
ooh... that usb8x is going on my calc as soon as i get home... as to the BASIC editor, someone please port it :), that would be a huge help for me, as well as many other 8x programmers...
14 Jul 2005, 07:47 GMT

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