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Ice Hockey 68kDigital
5 Dec 2003, 10:45 GMT

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Ice Hockey 68kDigital
Z, Fisch said he'd send the file to us a few days ago. Can you check the queue?
5 Dec 2003, 10:46 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kcalculatorfreakCG
Wow! That game sounds really cool! My friend has a Ti89-i'll have to ask him to download this game. But where can I download it? Or-wait, is gonna get it?

*Must have awesome game played!*
5 Dec 2003, 13:24 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kDigital
We should have it any day. Go to if you need it *now*
5 Dec 2003, 13:44 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kspiral
I never really liked sports games...
5 Dec 2003, 15:36 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kcalculatorfreakCG
Yeah, I think Baseball and Basketball, and soccer aren't that fun, but this on looks cool-I've never done a hockey game before!
5 Dec 2003, 15:42 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kzkostik
wow, this looks really nice! i'm not a hockey fan, but this game looks to good to not check it out.
the game files hasn't been uploaded yet, though i'm gonna work thru out file queue today since it got quite long already.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
5 Dec 2003, 16:59 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kFisch2
Sorry about the wait, I've been very busy. I uploaded the files last night ;)
6 Dec 2003, 08:55 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kzkostik
Your files is up now!!!
Very awesome job btw. I'm even starting to like hockey now! hehe

Edit: I've decided to link the file to so that you get downloads there too. This will also boost your rank there. Let me know if you'd like this changed for whatever reason...

[Edited by zkostik on 06-Dec-03 22:32]

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
6 Dec 2003, 13:28 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kFisch2
Thanks. That's perfectly fine with me.
6 Dec 2003, 16:05 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kFisch2
I have uploaded a new version with an important bugfix to Should I upload the fixed version here also?
6 Dec 2003, 22:04 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kspiral
If the name of the file hasn't changed, and if Z linked to ticalc correctly, you shouldn't need to update it here.
7 Dec 2003, 11:16 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kBilly
I love hockey games. Only sports games I enjoy playing...
7 Dec 2003, 14:30 GMT

Ice Hockey 68kzkostik
Well, if ticalc's filename doesn't change then everything will be fine. You can just drop me an email if you need anything updates or whatnot.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
14 Dec 2003, 19:16 GMT

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