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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ garbage collect crashes calc

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Posted: 28 Feb 2003
04:49 GMT
Total Posts: 170
Here's what happened. I have a TI-83+, and everything was working fine including transferring and all that. Then I put Asteroids on my calc. After playing it for a while, I decided to archive it so if my calc crashes I won't have to re-transfer. It asks if I want to garbage collect, so I say Yes. Then as it says "Garbage Collecting..." it freezes, there's not busy line in the corner or anything. So I take the battery out, clearing the RAM, and transfer my backup file to the calc. I try archiving a random file over 1k. It asks if I want to garbage collectm and I say No. It says the archive is full, but I ave over 20k left!! I'm pretty sure the number is accurate, otherwise the numbers wouldn't change. I reinstalled the OS, didn't work. After a couple more tries archiving, I noticed that the little busy line in the top-right corner was going haywire, zipping right along yet it wasn't doing anything. In fact, it crashed again. What I was thinking of doing is putting Asteroids back on and see if archiving will reverse the effect. It probably won't work, but it's worth a shot.
I'm not blaming Asteroids for screwing up my calc. I've had this happen to me before, and I ended up getting rid of EVERYTHING on the calc, apps and all. Then I got the apps from a friend's calc and transferred my backup to the calc. Everything worked fine until now. Again, I don't blame Asteroids, but I'm not sure what to do.

Kind of off-topic, but I might as well make an itty-bitty post here. Are flash apps made by programming in assembly then compiling it? I don't know how to program in ASM anyway, I was just wondering.
Posted: 28 Feb 2003
05:30 GMT
Total Posts: 623
For your calc, try backing up everything and then manually Garbage Collecting from the command in the catalog. And be patient when it is doing so.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 28 Feb 2003
13:52 GMT
Total Posts: 170
I already lost everything that isn't archived (which is now impossible to do) and tried taking out the backup battery, nothing helped (I had everything backed up anyway). I also manually garbage collected, but it has the exact same effect: the little busy line goes haywire in the corner. I did find out something new, though. I was just about to turn off the calc when it said my batteries were low! I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem, but a couple days ago my batteries were fine, including the backup (BTW, what exactly is the backup supposed to save because it has the exact same effect as just taking a regular AAA battery out). If that doesn't work, I'm downloading (if possible) all the apps again, or just take them off my friend's calc, and start over, which will most likely work for another couple months or so. Maybe I should just find a 1.14 or earlier OS and put that on, since nothing (I think) requires 1.15 just yet.
I just realized something else. It probably has nothing to do with this, but I had tried updating SciTools to v1.10 a couple days before, but when I tried sending to archive it failed and gave me the error that it couldn't transfer or whatever. The funny thing is that it was successfully transferred, but when it did the "validating..." thing it screwed up. SciTools still works and it's v1.10. Kinda wierd...
Posted: 28 Feb 2003
16:16 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Old batteries don't go well with Garbage Collecting. Try putting in new ones before you do it again.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 28 Feb 2003
19:58 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
This is indeed weird, but try BullFrog's idea of installing new batts since Garbage Collection takes a lot of batt power. Then, try getting a new OS 1.15 as it seems you still have previous one. I heard it fixed some problems with garbage collection. Lastly, don't forget that flash memory used for archive is organized in 16k blocks and therefore may not allow you to save some large files even though they seem to fit into remaining mem. You just can't fill up the archive mem to the max. Try those things and if possible let us know if anything changes. We'll try to figure it out from there. Good luck!
Yeah, I once had a same thing when I edited my AMS with my name and website url instead of help screen's message. And the calc actually accepted the modified AMS but when I changed some letters in it, it refused it. Its cool that you actually got that app on your calc even though it didn't validate it. :)
Oh, one more thing. When you get new batts do a full calc reset and erase everyhitng you got (don't forget backup if anything's still left on it). Just choose that "reset all" option and clear all flash and ram.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 1 Mar 2003
04:40 GMT
Total Posts: 170
There's a "new" 1.15? I downloaded straight from Should I download it from there again, or is there another place that is just as good?
As for the new batteries, they are brand new yet didn't work. I'm going to re-download the OS and all the apps and put them back on after resetting.
I also stumbled upon something else strange. On the hard drive of my computer, the SciTools app says its 54k, but when I put it on the calc it's only 32k. What's with that, is there an installation thing included in it? Also something else insane: there's a spell checker, anagram maker, etc called Dawg, and (on the hard drive, anyway) it said it was over 220k!!! There's not even that much archive space when empty!!! I'm positive it was for the TI-83+.
Well, I have two days to get this stuff straight. I'm hoping to have this all over before school starts again. Everyone wonders how I get all these graphically enhanced games, they're using the classic BASIC games that use O's and X's and other letters that they got from their friends :þ.
Posted: 1 Mar 2003
10:08 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
No, there's no "new" 1.15. It just seemed that you're running 1.14 from your post above. I doubt this can be happening because of corrupt OS, if it was corrupt it wouldn't work at all. But do try reinstalling your OS, that helps sometimes. You can download it here from Misc -> Operating Systems go find them on TI's site. On computer files sometimes take more space because OS add various flags, etc. Also, computer's hard disk has different block size than calc and don't forget that flash program can also have some data that doesn't get transfered onto calc for whatever reason. I've seen this myself and this stuff does happen. No biggie.
Yes, Dawg really does take that much because of its huge word dictionary. I too think it was for both 83+ and SE. LOL about games, yeah it was pretty much the same years ago in my school when there were only few people who had graph link and could download games.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 1 Mar 2003
16:01 GMT
Total Posts: 170
It shouldn't be running under 1.14, and I've reinstalled the OS at least a couple times and it says 1.15 when the RAM is cleared and in the "about..." menu. Of course, I still had a few things on there, including programs, arhived stuff, and apps. What I did before was get rid of every little living thing on there, then reinstall. That worked, but I never figured out what the real problem was. I still have a little curiosity as to why SciTools v1.10 never fully transferred and validated correctly and if it had anything to do with my problem. I'm going to re-download the OS from TI's site along with here, but I'll try the one from here first because I trust this site more :þ. So far TI seems to be extremely busy because I successfully uploaded the two programs I uploaded here a month/month and a half ago, yet it still isn't in the archives, I'm positive I selected the right section for them to put it in.
As for games, I'm the only one that has a link cable, no one else I know has one. One of my friends has one, but he doesn't count because he can't figure out how to use it lol. Neither of us know what kind it is, but he uses a Mac. He's sure it's compatible, so it must be the connectivity kit or the TI-Graph link kit (I'm not sure if that's what it's called or anything, I've only seen the connectivity kit in stores). I asked what the icon and cable looked like. He didn't know about the icon, but the cable was that silvery partially transparent one that uses the USB port (if I remember correctly...), so I'm pretty sure it's the connectivity kit. I don't know if Virtual PC would affect anything because he uses that, too. By what he's told me, he installed the software (well, we're not sure at this point) and doesn't know what to do from there or something. Oh well, we've been talking about a visit to his house, that would definitely help!
Just out of curiosity, what would the size of Dawg be on the calc, maybe around 80k? Whatever it is, I'm sure it would take up most, if not all, the archive memory. I'm not surprised about stuff not being transferred that makes the size bigger, it makes sense.

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