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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Shoot! This isnt working....

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The Hobo King
Posted: 6 Mar 2003
14:39 GMT
Total Posts: 4
Hello world. Its the hobo king again. I recently posted a message in the wrong file thingy. theres a similar post in the trivia post section. srry bout that. anyhoo, i am a noob programer, and i am making an rpg called "revenge of the hobos: rpg" its a thrilling game were you are a hobo named stan, and you are out to get the rest of the 'non bos' for treating you like crap. but the entire point of this message is to ask this question:

When you store a pic, you can only store a maximum of 10. This oviously presents problems with my programing. how can i get around this?

plz help.

The Hobo King
Posted: 6 Mar 2003
17:14 GMT
Total Posts: 18
I dont know anything about 83 Basic but just to clarify, you are doing this on the TI-83, right?
The Hobo King
Posted: 6 Mar 2003
19:57 GMT
Total Posts: 4
no, its 83 plus. I dont know if it matters THAT much though.
Posted: 6 Mar 2003
22:23 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
well, after he said "only 10 pics" you can tell he's using an 83x sries calc (couldn't be 82 coz he said he's a noob programmer and 82's are darn old). well, only solutions you have is to make an image parser that would scan pixels from your graph screen and store them into lists. this really isn't very hard to make and displaying pictures is easily done with two nester For loops. you can probably find such program in's 83/+ basic programs. if you have questions or need some insight post here or email me and i'll try to help you out.

it does matter what calc you use coz on 89 for instance you can have as many pics as memory would allow, they can also be any size and have names. 86 also allowes you to mane pics. yeah, use lists to store your graphics (sprites/tiles). although they're kinda slow if your gfx are large (usually 8x8 pixel ones are already quite slow) but regular pics are huge in size and their number is limited. i suggest you only use them for title screen and maybe some cut scenes or whatever.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 7 Mar 2003
09:17 GMT
Total Posts: 1005
Teehee... I laugh.
Graphics are so #$&@$^% hard to do.
But, i suppose I could offer some ideas...
For starts, search for ZPic, i think it's called. It allows you to recall any pic from 1 to 255, even from the archive.
Also, there's Screen Shot Maker, which stores the screen to an asm prog that, when run, will display the pic.
Also, using subroutines to generate graphix works, but it's slow.

Hope this helps
Posted: 7 Mar 2003
22:33 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
yeah, good point! i totally forgot about Zpic. very handy prog, but storing lots of pics even on 83+ would probably discourage many people from using the game. i'd still go with small subs that generate sprites. even though they're kinda slow, they take less memory. either way, you probably not going to draw out every frame of your game anyway. storing them as asm progs sounds good, but prog must exit so not to interrupt his basic one...something that just writes to graph screen would be great. also consider storing into asm program along with compressing (like huffman or rle).

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
The Hobo King
Posted: 8 Mar 2003
09:06 GMT
Total Posts: 4
crap. this is getting complicated. oh well. But tell me, how do i do that sprite thingy that you were talking about?
Posted: 8 Mar 2003
09:50 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
okay, you know Pxl-On( command?
so, obviously to make a picture you'll need a bunch of those. what i suggested is put those pixel data into a list. let's say you got this:

we'll represent turned on pixels by "1" and turned off ones by "0".
so, our list will look like:

you know the size, so just iterate through your list and if you encounter "1" draw a pixel. making first two elemets of a list its size descriptors would be useful. i'd use two nested for loops (like if you're traversing a matrix). first loop will be your height and nested one will be width. nested one will print the number of list items corresponding to image width and first loop will do however many loops is your image height. not really hard. if you can't visualize this, just draw it out on a piece of paper.

i don't write in basic anymore so don't really ask me for anything working. i can only help with ideas and such. maybe suggest something. but no more, sorry.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 9 Mar 2003
08:16 GMT
Total Posts: 1005
Well, Mr. Hobo King, sir, if you want, you could e-mail the code for your stuff to me at, and i could work it for you.

This pxl-on sprite thing zkostik is talking about is slow as molasses; but using for loops and using subs will make it both faster and smaller, thus allowing for more games *I MEAN* homework use :)

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