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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ How can u delete the Probablity Simulation?

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Lt Powell
Posted: 5 Sep 2003
15:26 GMT
Total Posts: 1
I want to know how to delete that probability Simulation.........cuz i'm pretty sure we're never going to need it AND i copied it to my comp just in case. It takes up a lot of space and i want to use that space for games. And also are there any other programs that we will NEVER need in school? cuz i would delete those also. My friend deleted his but he goes to another school now :( and his friend did it for him. So how can u delete it??? thank you so much.
Posted: 5 Sep 2003
17:04 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Well, make sure it's backed up on your computer. Second, press [2nd] then [+]. You'll see a menu. Select option 2. Then 1. Scroll to the bottom. Find what you're looking for, put the cursor with it, and hit [Del].

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