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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Memory

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Posted: 13 Sep 2003
18:26 GMT
Total Posts: 9
hey, i just bought the TI-83 plus, silver edition, and i put the age of darkness game on it it works fine, but I cant put anymore games on it cuz there isnt enough the file just big or am i missing something? that was the only thing i put on the calc and it filled it up completely???..i unziped the game file after i downloaded it and all there was, was one folder filled with like 21 little files, i didnt know what to do so i just transfered the whole folder...was that the righ thing to do or what? help me out please!

[Edited by Mightymike on 14-Sep-03 03:27]
Posted: 13 Sep 2003
22:32 GMT
Total Posts: 623
There's this little thing we like to call "Archive" that you can put stuff in. Here's what you do. Press [2nd], then [2] (or [MEM] on the keypad), then [2], and then [1]. This will give you a list of things in your memory. Those with "*" by them are in archive. This is a good thing. It clears up your RAM so you can run stuff. Good luck.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

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