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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ painless game transfer

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Posted: 18 Oct 2003
22:48 GMT
Total Posts: 192
I along whith about every one in my math class own a TI 89 and I have lots of games whith manny librarys and folders. I was wondering if there was an easey way to transfer games from calc to calc whith out selecting every file and creating a new folder on their calc?
Posted: 19 Oct 2003
07:52 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Well, I'm not a Ti89 expert, but you could just download games off the internet, and tell your freinds what site you got them from . . .
Posted: 19 Oct 2003
11:21 GMT
Total Posts: 192
the problem is that they don't all have cables to donload games from their computer whith

[Edited by jessef on 19-Oct-03 20:22]
Posted: 19 Oct 2003
12:53 GMT
Total Posts: 623
No, there isn't. You will have to select everything and send it. (Perhaps you will even have to pause and archive everything sent before continuing again.) It's the one thing that bugs me about the 89. You can't group files. However, that's but a trivial matter compared to what it can do. Hehe...

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 19 Oct 2003
15:51 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Solution. If the two calcs you are transfering between have the same OS, the files will auto-archive under specific conditions. If you want everything on your friends calc (or visa versa) here is what you do:

1. Colapse all the folders so you only see their names and not their contents.
2. GO down to the alphabetically last folder you want and select it
3. Scroll up and select the next desired folder. Repeat untill all desired folders are selected.
4. Select the "Send files" (or whatever it is called) menu option and let the calcs transfer the data.

Try it out, if you come up with any problems, post again.
Posted: 19 Oct 2003
18:08 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Are they really that specific? Wow, that's something new.

[Edited by BullFrog on 20-Oct-03 03:08]

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

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