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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ How fast

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Posted: 2 Jan 2005
18:41 GMT
Total Posts: 465
Iv'e always wondered how fast (or slow) each calculator's speed is. I'm guessing either the 89TI or the V200 has the fastest CPU. Does anyone know the stats?
Posted: 2 Jan 2005
20:50 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
TI-73: 6Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-81: 2Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-82: 6Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-83: 6Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-83+: I think a 8 or 9Mhz Zilog running at 6Mhz (z80)
TI-83+SE,84+, 84+SE: 15Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-85: 6Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-86: 6Mhz Zilog (z80)
TI-89, 89T, v200: 12Mhz Motorola 68k
TI-92+: 10Mhz Motorola 68k

And Last, the TI-80 has a 980Khz.

As you can see, the 83+SE series has the fastest processor, speed-wise. However, the 68k's outstrip them in performance because of different op codes and the AMS and such.

Posted: 3 Jan 2005
06:41 GMT
Total Posts: 465
Heh, that means I would have to have 1000 84+SEs to equal the power of what im typing on now.
Posted: 3 Jan 2005
10:50 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Possibly more...though, this is like comparing performance of AMD, Intel and IBM megahertz for megaherz. You just can't compare them like that w/t any benchmark that would run same exact tests on these platforms. Even with benchmark, some things often are implemented differently for different platforms or by different programmers so the results are not very exact but are usually just about enough to leverage the performance of different hardware architectures.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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