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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ gettign games on the calc.

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jesse I
Posted: 26 Feb 2005
12:32 GMT
Total Posts: 1
how do i get games on my ti-84 plus please help me !!!!!! :clown:
Posted: 26 Feb 2005
15:06 GMT
Total Posts: 465
Please read the Visual FAQ for getting games on the 83+/84+/SE. You can find it in the textbox that has a bunch of information in the forums section.

Or you could read my shortened version:

1. Download Ti-Connect at
2. Install Ti-Connect
3. Connect your calc to the computer using whatever calculator link cable you have.
4. Start TI-Connect, run "device explorer" (Make sure the calc is on)
5. Drag and drop the programs you want to the thing that says "TI-84 Plus"
6. Play the games!
Posted: 26 Feb 2005
17:11 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Read this, and come back here if you have any further questions.
Posted: 4 Mar 2005
17:03 GMT
Total Posts: 1
Well when i did what you said. I went under PRGM and selceted the game i wanted. and it said ERR: SYNTAX. So i did some research and got Mirage0S on my Calculator. and my games still do not work. Could you guys help?

[Edited by kwjeyfoi842 on 05-Mar-05 02:05]
Posted: 4 Mar 2005
19:27 GMT
Total Posts: 465
You have to run MirageOS first ... To do this, press the APPS button on your calc, then select MirageOS. Press 2nd to run a game once you select ie

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