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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Instaling assembly games HELP!!!!

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Posted: 18 Aug 2005
05:49 GMT
Total Posts: 5
I need help instaling games on my caculator (TI-89). Ive done instaling basic games by draging this one folder onto my MAIN folder, it worked ok. But im not sure instaling these so called assembly games which have files in different folders etc. can some1 please help me do this it will be a help for me.. :img31:
Posted: 18 Aug 2005
09:15 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Generally, the game's manual will tell you how to install it. We can help you out but please let us know what game you're trying to run. Each one is a little different, you know. Generally there are nostub games, those don't require a kernel. There are kernel based game which require a kernel to be installed (has a similar purpose to that of a shell on 83x/84x calcs), and there are plain assembly which is basically the same business as nostub although nostub programs are written in C and compiled for the calculator.

Anyways, let us know what game you're trying to run and we'll try to lend you hand.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 18 Aug 2005
23:12 GMT
Total Posts: 5
oh ok well im trying to install arena or sumshit but it doesnt tell u what files to put on the calculator, so if posible could u help meh. plz. thx.
Posted: 18 Aug 2005
23:15 GMT
Total Posts: 5
at the top of the reaad me file for "arena" it says "Please run the game using runarena(), OR
make sure your current folder on your calculator
(set through the MODE screen) is wherever the
Arena files are. (i.e. if they're in MAIN and the
current folder is MAIN, that's fine.)

Arena 3D automatically creates a directory called
ARENA and stores all Arena files in that directory.
If you have TI-Connect, it may just appear in MAIN.
Either way, the game should run fine. The automatic
ARENA folder is simply for organization."
Posted: 18 Aug 2005
23:21 GMT
Total Posts: 5
wait up i ahve the TI-89 Titanium is that the sam as TI-89?????
Posted: 19 Aug 2005
17:39 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Yes, but you need to ghostbuster some old programs in order to make them work with the new vewrsion of the OS.

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