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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Transfering games from comp to calc

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Posted: 3 Sep 2005
19:10 GMT
Total Posts: 2
i use MirageOS on my TI-84 S/E. I transfered 2 games, asteroids and Phoenix. now when i try to transfer more, it just does not work at all, no signal from calc and comp freezes for a few secs, well, slows down and has trouble doing stuff when i click things.
Here is what i do.

I downlowd game from the list.

I open them in WinZip.

From there i drag the file whos icon looks different from all the rest, its gray with small black type in lower right hand corner.

The first game i did, Phoenix was put in its own folder in the TI conect window, archived i think. The second game, Asteroinds was put in a different folder, not an archinved thing. Is there a max of files each folder can hold?
Could some1 give me some extremely detailed step by step instructions on how to get games on my calc from my comp. i do not understand most the terms i read in the other posts so be very specific.
Posted: 3 Sep 2005
21:05 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
No, there is no max size, and those aren't folders. They are different sections of memory (Read the FAQ link below for more detail). <<faq 3>>

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