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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ ram and arc

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Posted: 21 May 2006
18:23 GMT
Total Posts: 3
ok i got lots of arc room but not alot of ram do i have to keep games and stuff in the ram or can i put them in arc becaus i have lots of room there and not much in my ram would that affect the programs or anyhting like that if i saved in arc?
Posted: 21 May 2006
21:20 GMT
Total Posts: 576
you can easily move games into your archive memory (arc) by pressing [enter] next to the program
and you do it again to unarchive it
things with an asterix (*)(but bigger) are archived. things without it, are not.
also if you have an 84, check your apps. i found that some of my apps were unarchived and apps do not need to be unarchived. archive them first.
also if your running a game with multiple programs, make sure they are ALL unarchived, else the game wont work.

Flintlock Durden says "The things you eat end up eating you"
Posted: 21 May 2006
21:34 GMT
Total Posts: 939
<<faq 4>>
Liebe ist Krieg
Posted: 22 May 2006
12:42 GMT
Total Posts: 542
from the sound of it, you dont realize the concept of RAM vs archive. think of it like this: the archive is a big toy box. you store things here when you arent using it. some things can be played here however i.e. apps. but if you want to play with something, it must be in the "play area", the RAM. now, just like your mother used to say, you cant play everything at once, so you must clean up and archive it away. shells tend to do that for you if you play games through them. fun.
so only use the RAM for current prgms that you are using.

Posted: 22 May 2006
15:33 GMT
Total Posts: 1189
It is not possible to unarchive an application, they are executed straight from ROM. I like Liebe ist Krieg's explaination.

Someone call for an exterminator?
Posted: 22 May 2006
20:51 GMT
Total Posts: 576
ya me too.

Flintlock Durden says "The things you eat end up eating you"

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