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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Transferring Between 2 Calcs

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Posted: 14 Oct 2006
10:54 GMT
Total Posts: 29
I haven't actually programmed in about... gosh, 2-3 years, but I frequently check out the clac programming scene to see what's going on. Now I see games like Metroid 2 in BASIC and I am soooooo AMazed at what you guys are doing these days. I was going through some of my old projects while cleaning out old folders and I had some very ambitious things going on that would be very easily possible these days in BASIC and that's cool. I may try and finish a few of them. But, now to the main point of this post.

I was working on a game called Monster Battle: Versus, a spin-off of my Monster Battle series (check it out) that would allow you to link up with anoth calc and battle. It was going to be a precursor to Monster Battle 3, which would also have that feature plus a new storyline and new gameplay. Anyway, there were always problems in the code that I could never resolve using the the "GetCalc" command. Does anyone have a string of code that utilizes a good transfer of info between 2 calcs at one time that works?

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