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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ cant install tankers (noob)

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Posted: 16 Oct 2006
08:54 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I recently got a TI-89 Ti calculator and I've been trying to install games on it for hours. The game in question is "Tankers" I read through the FAQ and it lead me to the tutorial. So I went and downloaded a shell program to run the game, the program being "Preos". This is where I'm stuck. I cant install it. I've followed the read me with the program and it said:

+ Send Preos.89z / stdlib.89z (or .9xz files) to your calculator.
+ Archive these files in your SYSTEM folder (usualy 'main').
+ Press 'preos()' to install it in the home application. If a kernel is already installed, PreOs won't do anything. You should uninstall it before (See the uninstall doc of your previous kernel).
+ PreOS will save a lot of information about the calc, check if the libraries are outdated, install a crash handler and install itself as a TSR (Terminate Stay Resident).

I did step 1 but now im lost. What did the author mean by "press 'preos()'" in step 2? If he meant go to the applications menu, i did, and found nothing. Help would greatly be be appreciated!

Posted: 16 Oct 2006
10:20 GMT
Total Posts: 1189
You can type "preos()" and hit enter. That should work.

Someone call for an exterminator?
Posted: 17 Oct 2006
03:25 GMT
Total Posts: 2
k i gotit to work, now how would I install the game? I run it and i get to the menu but than it just goes back to the main preos menu? Whats wrong?
Posted: 17 Oct 2006
19:05 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
You need to download levels and place them on your calculator in the appropriate folder.

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