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Sprite Maker 89

File Information
Name: Sprite Maker 89
Filesize: 2.01 kB
Downloads: 288
Date added: Jan 23, 2005
Platform: TI-89
Language: Basic
File Type: Program
Category: Graphics
Last modified: Jan 23, 2005
TI-89 BASIC Programs

Shell: None
Rating: 8 (Excellent)/10 based on 2 votes.
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Author(s): Jake Miller

File Description:  Very, very nice little program that allows you to draw a sprite in an area of 15x15 pixels. (Note that it also works on a regular 89. I just like the sound of titanium.) It makes drawing sprites alot easier to do now. The built in pen doesnt allow you to see the other pixels near the cursor but in this program, the cursor is simply just a little pixel so your vision is not affected!! This a must download. It takes up a mere 1312 memory!! Plus, very easy controls. For instructions on how to use, please read the readme. There is alot of information in it needed to operate the program. Screenshot is included.



Of 0 people, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: VutonTheta Reviewed on: January 24, 2005 at 05:01:29 AM
Graphics/Interface: 7/10 Its lets you MAKE the graphic
Playability/Usability: 8/10 its good for mainly just people who are making games or programs, not playing them
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 8/10
Controls/Interface: 8/10 its really easy to use
Overall Value: 7/10 A good program
I like this program just because I make programs for the 89. This is only useful for people who make things because it just lets you draw a sprite. You can already do this on an 89, but this supposedly makes it easier.

I liked, however, how fast the picture saved! I just wish you could choose the pic name.
OVERALL: Very good for a BASIC program!

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