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User Forums \ ARP Productions \ Escape!

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Posted: 17 Aug 2011
13:13 GMT
Total Posts: 576
Remember that game that almost no one downloaded that I put a lot of work into and i thought it was a game of fair, if not great quality. It got a decent amount of downloads and ratings, until it was shuffled in with the rest of hybrid type games in the "shooting" genre.
(in fact i did a little poking and a lot of games are mis-genred. Such as Metroid in RTS? I think someone should look back into them, but that's a different story)

I think I'm going to develop it even more, into episodic game developing titles to develop some sort of story but only one if you're so interested in finding it out, you know, in the game description and a .txt file, but not so imposing. It is still a mostly arcade shooter with puzzle/maze/rpg aspects.
I just figure out ways to make it more awesome as time goes on, things that toy with the game system and fine tune the way i built it, and even make the installation backwards compatable so if you download the last version, you get it all, stuff like that.
I think I'm going to stick to xlib/BASIC until i do more research into ASM and maybe even Android, I thought of a good way to make it a nice touchscreen game.
To make this project the best it can be a team would be good. I'm going to amass anyone I can grab I'll figure out an application process.

I pre-planned most aspects of the game written down, etc. Just got to make sprites, design the maps in bigger detail, scrap together my system based off of the former one, etc.

Having fun already!

Flintlock Durden says "The things you eat end up eating you"

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