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Voyage 200 BASIC Programs
Assembly | BASIC | Flash

Download Advanced Mode vs.01 (5 kB)
  Rating: 4/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 720
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Math
An Advanced Mode For you calculator that expands your calculators ability to help you solve problems. This has X= as well as Y=, and this has lots of Algibra and Geometry solvers.

Download Arrow Menu Creator (14 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 251
  Platform: v200
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program allows users to easily create arrow menus. It is very flexible, and could create menus looking like:

> Start


~ New ~

...and many more! A demo program that uses the Arrow Menu Creator is provided that solves a quadratic equation. Another program is also included that simplifies the process of figuring out which option in the menu was selected.

Download Bob Walker (6 kB)
  Rating: 8/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 549
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Graphics
This is a simple prog that makes Bob... (from my comic) walk. There are 5 speed settings, and it's fun to watch!

Run Bob! Run!

Download Computations with Vectors in Space (8 kB)
  Rating: 3.5/10 (4 votes)
  Downloads: 740
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Math
This is a BASIC math program for the TI-89 Titanium. It can perform several computations with vectors in space (3-dimensional), including dot and cross products, coordinate conversions, tangent and normal vectors, arc length, and a few other handy calculations. This is my first program for the Titanium, so be gentle :)

Download Factors (1 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 452
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Math
This program calculates all the factors of a number.

Download Palindrome! (3 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 500
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Math
This program takes the number you input and finds its "Palindrome". A "Palindrome", in this program, is a number that can be read from left to right and from right to left the same way. Its a number which is mirrored, ie: "12321". Don't enter "196" with this program on any calculator as not even the worlds fastest computers can find the palindrome for it.

Download Physics Solver v1.2 (230 kB)
  Rating: 5/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 1875
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Science
Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!

Download Ram Manager v1.6 (30.4 kB)
  Rating: 9.2/10 (4 votes)
  Downloads: 1708
  Platform: v200
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Uncategorized
The latest version of the BEST BASIC Explorer. It is also a full system manager and nearly a must-have. Features: *An excellent browser to access your on-calc data *Manage all your on-calc variables and folders (Archive, Lock, Unarchive etc..) *Get infos about your actual battery, RAM and Archive status (NICE graphics) *View Pics,Strings,Matrixes,... *Get the Handle numbers and the status (archived, locked etc.) of your variables and folders *Protect your calc from unauthorized people *Set your APD as you want it to have *Get useful infoematon about your calc in general *Many TIClock options .This version has improved graphics and better error routines and as the most important addition the folder management. Made with extfunc by Daniel DeGraf

Download Timerize 1.4 (42 kB)
  Rating: 5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 521
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Time
This is the revolutionary program for the TI-84 Plus (SE), now ported to the 68k platform with an attractive, sytem-native UI. Corresponds with Timerize 84+ version 2.6. For AMS 2.07+.

Download Trey (1 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 452
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Math
A program that has some basic formulas. Great for Algebra 1.

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