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TI-82 BASIC Fighting Games
Assembly | BASIC

Download Battle! (6 kB)
  Rating: 7.8/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 993
  Platform: 82
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Game
  Category: Fighting
This is a 2-player fighting program which I am very proud of myself for making. Both players need a their own calculator, but no link cable is neccessary. When you fight, you earn experience points. When you get enough experience, you can raise your power level, and learn new attacks. Each fighter also has their own color. Each color is strong against another color, and weak to a color. Attacks also have coors which can make them stronger or weaker depending on attackers and defenders colors. THERE IS NO "BEST" COLOR!!! There is a Battle simulation function also, but it is not as fun as fighting your friends.

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