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Author Statistics For Jake Dorhan

Jake Dorhan is ranked #166 in total downloads with 2218
Jake Dorhan is ranked #26 in number of files with 9
Jake Dorhan is ranked #39 in downloads this week with 5

Billy the Monkey's AdventureTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game326---- (0)0
C-Text v1.0TI-83/+/SE - BASIC - Program288---- (0)0
Calculator HeroTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game293---- (0)0
Messenger '07TI-83/+/SE - BASIC - Program347---- (0)1
MuncherTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game238---- (0)1
Robin Hood Men in Tights Archery ContestTI-83/+/SE - BASIC - Game209---- (0)1
Ultimate Button MasherTI-83/+/SE - BASIC - Game371---- (0)1
Ultimate HangmanTI-83+/SE - BASIC - Game417---- (0)1
Whack an RTI-83/+/SE - BASIC - Game212---- (0)0

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